“ Be for something, not against.”
Co-Founder & President of BESIDE, an international media brand at the crossroad of nature and culture, with activities in the publishing, events, real estate and hospitality. We thrive in passing down stories, ideas, skills, knowledge and experiences at the crossroads of nature and culture to build a more meaningful life.
Co-Founder of abitibi & co., a Canadian canoe and kayak manufacture that inspires great adventures and protects the great outdoors. Abitibi & co. is distributed across North America.
Worked in advertising for 10 years as a creative for clients such as New Era, Coca-Cola, Bacardi, Square Enix, GSP (Georges St-Pierre) RISE Kombucha, McDonald's Canada & U.S, Paramount Picture and more.
The entrepreneurial path is incongruous, imperfect and singular. He is difficult, lonely and plays with the limits of physical and mental health.
Through a story as unique as it is inspiring, Jean-Daniel Petit transports us, without filters, through his (multi)entrepreneurial journey. A story in which he left a prosperous career in an advertising agency to launch a canoe / kayak factory, then a paper magazine, to finally diversify today into real estate.
Successes, pitfalls, learnings: all the glorious (or less) and formative details of his life as an entrepreneur are at the heart of this story.
In today's global context, brands must more than ever position themselves in favor of causes much bigger than themselves. Having good Corporate Social Responsibility or ESG practices is no longer enough to satisfy a new generation that is educated, jaded, demanding and in search of change.
Through a mixture of examples drawn from his personal experiences, those lived in an advertising agency, but also from case studies, Jean-Daniel invites us to look at the company through the prism of the vector of change. A vector of change that must also be profitable to maximize its impact in our modern economy.
What's the point of pursuing idealistic, even utopian ideas, if it's ultimately to fail by rubbing up against the system, by having to become cynical at the same time? And why nurture realistic ideas that chain us to an unsustainable status quo and lead us to our own downfall?
According to Jean-Daniel, the back and forth between these two worlds is the key. On the one hand, it is necessary to cultivate an idealistic vision and on the other, it is essential to gradually concretize these ideas through realistic operations.
An ideal conference for those who would like to perfect the art of navigating between these two worlds, to implement the ideals of tomorrow.
Creativity has the power to inspire, to make people dream, to transform complex and philosophical ideas into simple and understandable concepts.
And creativity isn't just one person's business, it's everyone's business. It is a culture that must start at the head of the organization and be introduced to all the teams in each department.
Discover in this conference, how a creative culture can have a concrete and significant impact on the performance of your company.
TOPICS: Vision, Culture, Creativity, Purpose, Content, Strategy
FORMATS: Panels, interviews, podcasts, think tanks

The Happy Leader: A Leadership Fable about Transformation in Business and in Life
The Happy Leader: A Leadership Fable about Transformation in Business and in Life by Shawn Johal is a fictional story that demonstrates his teachings. Ethan is a man whose stressful job has taken over his family. He prides himself in his work, but his work is undermined by others and there is nothing he can do about it. Then Ravi came into his life and Elevation Leadership Institute. This place changed everything for Ethan, just when he needed it.
3 ways to Strengthen Your Mental Health and Happiness Right
Business leaders often sacrifice family, friends, and happiness to pursue their dreams. But it doesn't have to be that way.
BESIDE: grandir en harmonie avec l’humain, la culture et la nature
Le trio derrière l’entreprise BESIDE cherche à construire des ponts entre l’humain et la nature en développant des contenus éditoriaux et des expériences immersives depuis 2016.